We are here to help parents raise happy and healthy children

Homework is supervised also on their return from school. On completion of their homework, the emphasis is on allowing the children to relax and enjoy themselves with both structured and unstructured activities. Each month we have a number of themes which form the basis for the month’s activities. Examples of such themes which have been undertaken are healthy eating Vs unhealthy eating, pirates and mermaids, Halloween & safety, hibernation, Greek mythology, charity, our friends in Uganda.

The children receive a hot meal and snacks each day. See our Food page.

Our team is comprised of fully qualified and experienced professional staff members. We appreciate the involvement of parents in the Afterschool and operate an open door policy to our parents.

Our children have individual needs. During their time with us the children will be encouraged to grow, to be confident and independent learners. Their interaction with the other children helps them to develop their abilities. We provide the materials as the basis for this. They will take part in activities such as:

  • A variety of sports and games, both in the sports hall and in the enclosed garden
  • Arts and crafts, including painting, clay modeling
  • Computers
  • Cooking
  • Playing with toys, like mini-kitchen,lego,dolls,jigsaws, construction sets
  • Reading
  • Music and dancing
  • Multicultural projects, for example we are partners with Bunena Primary School in Uganda

Childcare Sector Partners

  • Tusla: The dedicated Child & Family Agency (Tusla) are responsible for the regulation and inspection of all early year’s settings to ensure that high quality childcare services are delivered to all children and their families. Tusla carry out inspections on Pre School services. Our After School Facility is now also fully registered. GAS works closely with Tusla for support, guidance & information.
  • ECI: Early Childhood Ireland is the largest organisation in the early years sector who represent 3,800 childcare members & who support over 100,000 children & their families through pre school, afterschool and full day-care provision. Their work also includes publications, advocacy, training & information to childcare services. ECI is of great support to GAS on an ongoing basis and we are happy to be a Member for the last number of years.
  • DCLRCC: Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Childcare Committee develop and implement a co-ordinated strategy for the provision of quality early childhood care and education services in Dublin. They are responsible for administering national childcare funding programmes in the county on behalf of DCYA. They have been a great source of information and support for us also.
  • Pobal: This agency works on behalf of the Government to support communities and local agencies towards achieving social inclusion and development.  Their role is to provide management and support services to programmes such as Early Years and young people.
  • MMAC provides childcare under the following scheme: 
  •  National Childcare Scheme: Parents may apply for childcare fee subsidies from NCS. Details of how to apply & terms & conditions can be found at: http://ncs.gov.ie/en/

Child Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding Statement

Our Child Safeguarding Statement is available to view in our entrance hall or at the link here. A copy can also be obtained on request. This statement is reviewed every 2 years or sooner if necessary, due to service issues or changes in legislation or national policy. Our last review was May 2022.

This is a written statement that specifies the service being provided and the principles and procedures to be observed in order to ensure, as far as practicable, that a child availing of the service is safe from harm.

All Staff have 1st Aid Training which is renewed every 2 years. We also have 2 staff who have completed Fire Safety Training.

We also have a trained First Aid Responder among our staff.

Children First Programme

Tusla has worked with the DCYA & HSE to develop a universal e-learning programme called “Introduction to Children First”.  The programme has been written to support childcare staff to recognise concerns about children and reporting such concerns if they arise. The programme is based on Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children and the Children First Act 2015.

All Staff have completed this e-learning course & continue to refresh it annually.


What parent say